
Camp Kingfisher 2022

In June 2022 we saw the first ever residential, Camp Kingfisher.

Resplendent in their orange T shirts, all of Key Stage 2 and their teachers set off for Blackland Farm in East Grinstead. The children erected their own tents and were taught how to use a bow saw to cut their firewood. Over the following few days, they all very enthusiastically took part in canoeing, aero ball, climbing, abseiling, water fun, badminton and all sorts of other team games.

They all had THE BEST time and can't wait to go again next year!

Have a look at the Camp Kingfisher photo album to see what they got up to!



Camp Grits and Beans 2023 - yee haw!

And here we are back again! Our residential this year we have returned to Backland Farm with all of our KS2 children, we have been doing all sorts of fun activities.  The children voted to name their camp this year, and together we all decided on a Wild West theme - Camp Grits and Beans was born!

The residential trip has focused on our school values of Community, Respect, Excellence, Resilience and Integrity.  

Have a look on our Camp Grits and Beans photo album found under the news tab.

The residential as always has been great fun, watch this space for 2024's residential.

Here are some of the lovely things that our parents have said about Camp Grits and Beans:

"I wanted to email to say a huge thank you for doing Camp Grits and beans. X has come home buzzing and absolutely loving it! I know that this has taken up a lot of time, energy and thought that all the teachers have had to give up their own precious time. It is really appreciated and a fantastic idea on an incredible budget. I just wanted to ensure that you efforts, planning and dedication are recognised and we are really grateful. Thanks again"


"I am just writing to say a huge thank you to you all for organising such an incredible Camp trip for the children. X has been sharing so many wonderful memories of his time at Camp. I was unsure how he would cope as he has always been very shy in social situations, especially when myself or Dad aren't there. Although he was slightly anxious when I dropped him off on Monday,  I knew he was in good hands. What this has done for X's confidence is priceless  I'd like to say how grateful I am to the teachers for the time, effort and passion they put into making Camp such a success. Some of the ways that the teaches went above and beyond for the children is such a credit to the school. Their efforts definitely do not go unnoticed. "

“Thanks again" 

" X LOVED it"

"The kids didn't want to come home, X only missed the pets!"

Camp 'Get me out of here!' 2024

This year KS2 visited Lodge Hill for their residential trip. The children had lots of opportunities to try out exciting and adventurous activities such as archey, sno-tubing, high wobble board and the gladiator challenge!

The children were amazing and really got stuck into trying everything - including some very interesting dishes in a special 'get me out of here' style eating challenge! 

Despite some very wet weather, all the children showed resilience and team work all whilst keeping a huge smile on their faces! They even got to stay up late to watch England play in the Euros semi-final! 

For more photos please take a look at the Camp get me out of here photo album. 

Exciting plans are already underway for the next residential, but where will camp take us next year...?!